Saturday, December 17, 2011

SEED: Bombshell! New York Times, Jay Rosen, Clay Shirky Caught on Tape

Elite media -- self-admittedly corrupt and criminally negligent. It is undeniable proof of what we have been accusing the Times and all big media of. How the left is destroying America.
NYT Consultant and NYU Journalism professors of the self-identified media "elite" discuss strategy to legitimize Obama, help Occupy Wall Street, NPR tax loophole, defeating Perry and Bachmann. Jay Rosen says, "We are the one percent."
I've written previously about my views on the correlation between the bought-and-paid-for mainstream media, the corporate media, and the political establishment.
However, I am but one of numerous folks, from all walks of life, who share the same sentiment and understand how the western media is orchestrated and controlled not necessarily by current events taking place but by the financial and political elite.
Incidentally, as a freelance journalist I also attempted to call Mr. Jay Rosen to ask him about some of the comments made in the video, but after repeated attempts could only reach his voice mail.
No matter your view about the notion that the western media is controlled, the comments made by both prominent individuals on the video are suspect and deserve more attention and contemplation.

Click here to read the full story.

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