Wednesday, December 14, 2011

SEED: Game-Changing Cold Fusion Technology Meets Election 2012. How Will The Candidates Respond?

With the 2012 United States presidential election approaching, the reality of cold fusion must be spreading through corridors of power in Washington, DC. With the US military purchasing thirteen E-Cat plants, how will politicians react to a game changing source of energy?

The election season in the United States is accelerating, and the Republican primaries are almost upon us. Before too long, the actual general election will take place, and the nation will choose its representatives, senators, and the next president. Similar scenarios will play out in other nations and their elections as well in the near future.

As usual, during the next few months politicians will make promises they do not intend to keep, flip flop on policy issues, attack each other, and do whatever it takes to get elected. Meanwhile, the ultra wealthy, elite power barons who control the mainstream media will do their best to blackout certain candidates (like Ron Paul). At the same time, they will promote other candidates that they know will abide by their wishes, and maintain the status quo -- of big government, constant warfare, fear mongering, and the printing of money from thin air by the Federal Reserve.

What is going to be so uniquely interesting about this election cycle is that a truly exotic source of clean, cheap, safe, and pollution free energy has been discovered. In fact, this game changing breakthrough is already entering the market place, with the US military being the first customer. The technology is Andrea Rossi's E-Cat (Energy Catalyzer). Already, almost a year before the first votes are cast, E-Cat modules have been purchased by the US military, and are being further researched and developed.

Click here to read the full story.

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