Thursday, August 23, 2007

Biometrics (Prelude)

Biometrics is a subject that, in a modern contemporary sense from the perspective of the New World Order, is and will be integral to their plans for a twisted new world society. Biometrics will allow the government, especially in the future when their agenda unfolds more significantly, to keep track of its citizens, to implement eugenic research and implementation, track our every movement, and implement a cashless society with only one social class. In no uncertain terms, these tactics alone, on the part of our leaders, give a glimpse into what's in store - unless we recognize the problems now and stand up against corruption just as previous civilizations did, so liberation, through the good fight, will simply and utterly prevail.

My next article will shed some light onto what exactly "biometrics" is and how the government will use such technology to, at the very least, measure population, control population, record individual reasoning and opinions, and let the government know each and every one of our moves as individuals. We can fight this and, if I have anything influence on the subject, we'll reverse the government's fortunes and expose them for what they're attempting to do to their own people... Absolutely shameless, unscrupulous, government actions attempt to dismiss the people's thoughts and enforce their (the New World Order) agenda at any cost.

More to come quite soon on this elaborate, compelling story. Details of the government's biometric plans will be exposed my upcoming editorial will be the beginning of a quite serious, factual series on this subject regarding our leaders unscrupulous, self-serving actions to keep themselves in power. Sickening, at the very least, but part of modern society's warped sense of reality.

Power to the people, and that I mean that from my heart and soul. The government is supposed to serve the people... That's a farce. Let's make things change. Period. I'm not a traditional conspiracy theorist, but I do believe in justice, fairness, and the difference between right and wrong.

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