Thursday, August 23, 2007

Free Featured Video: Illuminazi

This is just a short note, but it's pretty important in my mind. In my most recent editorial, I made numerous assertions about the agenda of today's leaders in comparison to the agenda of Nazi Germany, and that's pretty serious stuff. But please do explore the links provided in the article itself as well as exclusive links I've provided on this site concerning this particular subject in general.

Additionally, if you watch nothing else, please take the time to watch the documentary called Illuminazi by Anthony Hilder. Like Alex Jones, he's a prolific member of the truther community and what he presents in this video can't be disputed if you check the facts given. This video demonstrates undeniable links between Hitler's agenda and the agenda of today's global leaders, more commonly referred to as the New World Order.

Aside from this very explicit article, I'm planning and writing a serious of new articles regarding issues far more startling than anything I've mentioned so far. Admittedly, my upcoming articles on Jean Keating and his prolific works will simply astound those that don't know about this subject - your monetary birthright, at least in North America. I'm excited about the fact that I can expose a lot of this information and there's a lot more to come.

Stay tuned, folks. The truth is out there (to quote the pop culture hit X-Files) and, as the Universe as my witness, I will always stand for truth, honesty and a peaceful, but proactive and forceful, path to correcting what's wrong with the world. Here's food for thought. Our leaders are a true representative of society in general - people are indigenously greedy, selfish, and self-motivated, so why should our leaders be any different. Part of the solution to today's problems is that the people need to make a decision, spiritually and morally, to change as a population, to eliminate the human qualities that make us all imperfect. No matter what our leader's want or what their agenda is, if enough people said "enough" and society as a whole changed, our elected leaders would, eventually, have absolutely no choice but to follow suit or risk losing their office as the bottom line. Politicians are a rare bread and they'll lie, coherce their constituents, and, as most do, they become "drunk with power".

People, the truth is that we do have solutions and, just as in the past when civilizations have risen, fallen, and regained glory by people that were willing to fight the good fight.

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