Monday, August 20, 2007

Not So Secret Agenda: Harper, Bush & Calderon

Finally, and quite eagerly, I have an opportunity to sit in front of my computer and write about something that's been on a lot of people's minds for quite a while and especially over the past few weeks. Once again, the fire's been ignited in recent times since the leaders of North America announced, several weeks ago, a meeting that actually took place this week, on August 20th and 21st respectively.

Our esteemed continental leaders, Steven Harper, George Bush and Felipe Calderon, just concluded, yet another, secretive but historic meeting on August 21, 2007, in Montebello, Quebec, on the premise of discussing the "harmless" Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America agreement between Canada, Mexico and United States. During a staged photo-op yesterday morning in Montebello, reporters asked the leaders if this trilateral agreement, which incidentally was initially secretly ratified at the Executive level and, to this day, has still never been insightfully discussed or ratified by any legal body of lawmakers in Canada, Mexico and U.S., is an unconstitutional prelude to a North American Union. The very notion of a North American Union conjures up images of the European Union, but it should sound quite familiar because the very same elitists' that created the EU are fighting hard today to make the so-called North American Union a reality. But, frankly, there's a much bigger picture on the horizon and it's a concept that, still to this day, some people have a difficult time wrapping their heads around - the infamous New World Order. It's been a longstanding goal of the NWO to create a centralized world government, one day potentially erasing sovereignty on a global scale, and using tools like eugenics, methods of both moral and immoral population reduction and control, biometrics, martial law whenever necessary, and there most powerful weapon of all, fear.

Nonetheless, getting back to the issues at hand, let's give some thought to this very reserved "agreement", and by reserved I mean let's get to the bottom of this document's true nature and agenda... An elusive agenda that has only ever been revealed, for the most part, through cryptic statements from government officials and misleading remarks about it from our trusted, elected officials. The truth of the matter is that the NAU is just another step in a broader agenda, put into motion by the world's financial leaders, most affluent families, and international banks, to create their twisted dream of a "one world government", otherwise referred to as the New World Order.

Now, this secrecy is not the case at all when it comes to world leaders expressing their support for the concept of a new world order, from Hitler to Bush. For example, Adolf Hitler wrote an unpublished sequel to Mein Kampf in 1928 called My New Order, and the main theme through the entire book was his notion to create a new world order.

In 1991, George H.W. Bush famously said on September 11, 1991 (coincidentally ten years prior to the day of the most devastating domestic attacks in America's history), "We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a 'new world order'. A world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance at this 'new world order', an order in which a credible United Nations can use it's peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the U.N.s' founders. Out of these troubled times our fifth objective a new world order can emerge".

Although there's been several summits, directly by all three continental executive leaders and indirectly through high-level political surrogates, in the news, albeit as discretely as possible, for several years now, especially since 2004. In October of 2004, the Independent Task Force on North America was organized and signed into existence by the infamous Council on Foreign Relations in the United States, the Canadian Council of Chief Executives in Canada, and the Mexican Council on Foreign Relations in Mexico. Shortly after coming into existence, the so-called task force published two telling documents including Trinational Call for a North American Economic and Security Community by 2010 on March 14, 2005, and Building a North American Community in May of the same year.

So folks, based on history and all the facts, it's this journalist's thoughtful opinion that when Bush scoffed and laughed at questions from reporters about the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America being a prelude to a North American Union, our leaders once again shamelessly proved that they're absolute liars, treat the people, those who would put them into elected office, like mindless automatons (or small children at the very least), and they'll stop at nothing to strip each and every one of our basic rights, freedoms and, ultimately, our respective national sovereignty.

Incidentally, just to give people an explanation as to why I would compare Hitler's agenda with that of today's mighty world leaders. There's absolutely no question that, beyond any collective agenda, Adolf Hitler was completely psychopathic, unquestionably bipolar, and outright responsible for undeniable moral atrocities - none of these facts are in dispute in any way, shape or form. However, he gained his mass popularity with the German people (and throughout the world before he showed his true colors) through the guise of a so-called perfect socialist agenda that would unite the world under an insane supreme order. As previously mentioned, Hitler's sequel to Mein Kampf (entitled My New Order) outlined his notion of a "new world order", blatantly a twisted, supremest view of the world's future. Retrospectively, it's a proven fact that Hitler's agenda was never socialist, even before he became a global pariah, but rather it was a fascist agenda all along. Nazism was full of fascist symbolism and, once Hitler intentionally detonated the Reichstag building, he was able to declare martial law, abolish the German Senate, abolish his own role as Chancellor, and declared himself Feuer. The Reichstag was Germany's version of Capitol Hill or, in Canada, France, Poland, Russia and United Kingdom, Parliament, and, coincidentally, in both Canada and the United States, the laws are quite similar as they were in Nazi Germany in terms of what happens in the event that Capital Hill or Parliament were to be rendered benign by another unfortunate, devastating incident (i.e. 9/11). Another obscure fact, that most people are still unaware of, is that the the Nazis were almost fully funded by a New York bank, called Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., while Prescott Bush was serving as the institution's vice-president - a post handed to him by George Herbert Walker. In fact, as indisputably argued in a documentary, by Anthony J. Hilder, called Illuminazi (click movie title to view the movie itself for free), the Bush family had ties with the Nazis that weren't revealed until after the war. Hitler failed in achieving the international banker's goals of a fascist world government, primarily due to his own insanity but also because he lacked many of tools that modern word leaders have available, most notably the controlled mass media of western society. It's also a proven fact, as depicted not only in Illuminazi but also in countless other documentaries and available articles, that the same people (or rather their inherent, surrogates and beneficiaries) that funded Nazi Germany are now funding today's incarnation of the New World Order agenda. You don't have to believe me folks, but anything I'm saying is directly available on the Internet and in numerous documentaries. It's the same agenda, but today's leaders are more polished, have a bigger network to facilitate their plans, and, most importantly, have mass mainstream media in their pockets. Money has always controlled the global agenda, and nothings changed even in these fateful modern times - it's worse than ever imagined. George W. Bush, just like Hitler, seems to be losing his mind and this is not new in the media (he demonstrates his seemingly sociopathic personality often) and, like Nazi Germany, the United States under this man's control wants to rule the world. Even Vladimir Putin has made these comparisons in the new lately, but there's a lot to this argument and the links provided in this editorial should provide some good, informative learning.

Folks, I could talk about this all night but I think I've made my point that when our leaders tell us their acting in our best international interests, they're not telling us the whole truth. If you're interested in additional documents that confirm what's happening globally, I recommend reading NAFTA, Smart Borders, and the aforesaid articles previously published by Independent Task Force on North America. Smart Borders is especially telling in that it's been ratified as part of NAFTA, and makes legislation in any one of the three countries binding in all of the territories that comprise North America (i.e. the Patriot Act, Canada's strict Anti-Terrorism Act, the U.S. Military Commissions Act, etc...).

Our respective national sovereignty is important to all of us and should be protected as intended by our respective national founders. If you look at all of the decisions made and crimes committed, including genocide in some cases, by our current global leaders, especially in the United States, mixed with a mainstream media that answers to their corporate masters, George W. Bush is essentially accomplishing what Hitler failed to do; dominate the world through fascism disguised as democracy. Oddly enough, today's contemporary American political culture also includes certain symbols of fascism such as the fasci-sticks on both sides of the podium at the Joint Chamber of Congress (i.e. used during the President's State of the Union Address). It's actually creepy, but factual in every sense of the word, that so many similarities exist between today's "new world order" agenda as well as many events that have occurred in the western world, especially in the United States and Canada, and Hitler's dream of a "new order".

Allowing our leaders to brainwash us into believing a centralized world governments would solve our problems is essentially insane, especially considering how this new world order will be structured and how the world's population would ultimately be affected.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're right brother. How can we stop them from accomplishing their goal of a new world order? They, the conpirators, do what they want no matter what the people say.